The Wasps are coming
Keep your summer wasp free!
It is at this time of year, now the average outdoor temperature has risen a little, that wasp queens start to come out of hibernation.
It can come as quite a shock as without warning you suddenly find a numerous large wasps buzzing around in your house.
This doesn’t mean that you have an established wasp’s nest in the house, but unless you do something about them you certainly will eventually.

These Queens left their nest at the end of the summer and since then will have spent the winter hidden away in a warm place, usually a tiny crack, or hole in the fabric of the building, waiting for the cold weather to pass.
Once they find a place that feels suitable for them to build a nest they will construct a tiny paper ball about the size of a golf ball and lay a small number of eggs for worker wasps in it.
The queen then spends her time bringing food for the grubs and increasing the size of the nest to lay more eggs until they begin to hatch out into adult worker wasps and take over from her. At that point she moves into the nest full time and concentrates on nothing other than laying eggs for more wasps.
By this time you will have an established colony, but you may not know about it for some time.
Eventually the colony will grow until the nest is several feet across and is home to many thousands of workers which can cause structural damage to the house as well as a very real risk to health. This can all be prevented if you get rid of the queens now.
One of the favourite places for nests is in the roof space, and now, before the colonies become established is the perfect time to get one of our technicians out to have a look and, if necessary, fumigate the loft to stop them before they get going.
If you think you might have wasps making their home in your house you should give us a ring now.