What you need to know!
Normally by this time of the year we are being inundated with calls for help from people who are having trouble with wasps in their house. But this year the terrible weather we had in the early summer has delayed the development of wasp’s nests by some time.

However the summer is finally here and the good weather seems set to stay, and with it, sadly, come the wasps.
Wasp queens left their nest last year, mated with a male drone, and then found somewhere to hide out through the winter. As the weather warms up these queens come out of hibernation and start laying eggs.
They build a small nest, about the size of a golf ball with enough space for about a dozen grubs. She forages for food for her babies and as they mature she begins to lay more and more eggs. As the grubs mature into adult wasps they take over foraging for food and the queen settles down to do nothing but make more wasps.
By the time the summer is reaching an end and their food is starting to become scarce a wasp’s nest can be home to several thousand workers, all of which are capable of delivering several nasty stings to anyone unfortunate enough to encounter them.

Wasps love to nest under the eaves of your house, sometimes in the attic itself, they particularly love nesting behind the beautiful hanging tiles this part of the country is famed for.
They can nest in holes in the ground, or even in bushes and trees. If the nest is on your house and you simply leave them to it there is a chance the wasps will eventually eat through the plaster and wallpaper into the house itself. Every year we get calls from people who didn’t want to kill their wasps who now have a house full of aggressive, stinging insects, and a large hole where their wall used to be.
We can help with the wasps, but we can’t take away the damage they’ve done!
More and more people are developing allergies to wasp stings in the UK and so it is our strongest recommendation that if you have a wasp’s nest you leave it to the professionals to deal with.
As an extra bonus to our customers we are one of the only pest control companies in the UK to fully guarantee to destroy any wasp’s nest we treat. If for some reason we don’t get it first time (and it would be a lie to say we always get them first time, no-one does), we will come back and re-treat it at our expense, not yours.
If you have a wasp’s nest then you should give us a ring straight away on