Pharaoh ants
What you need to know!
Pharaoh ants are an extremely small species of ant that inhabit a wide range of locations. Their nests are usually very well hidden and they can become a major nuisance, infesting homes and gardens very quickly.
What do they look like?
Pharaoh ants are around 2mm long, a yellowy brown colour, and almost transparent. Their abdomen is darker than the rest of their bodies. Unlike other ants, they have a rather distinctive ‘thorax’ which gives the appearance of being segmented.

Where am I most likely to see a Pharaoh ant?
Pharaoh ants tend to prefer moist, heated areas, such as in kitchens and around pipes. They can usually be found in lavatories, sinks, drains and various other unhygienic locations.
Nests can be minute, hidden between pieces of paper, in clothes, furniture and similar locations. They’re usually constructed in the voids of walls, below floorboards, and general covered spaces within a structure.
How can I get rid of them?
Dealing with pharaoh ants often poses a bigger challenge to pest controllers than other species. This is due to their tendency to disperse into several colonies, meaning if any are missed, they can re-infest the entire building relatively quickly.
Conventional means of ant control tends to be ineffective as it simply disperses the colonies
Control of pharaoh ants can be very difficult, and is usually geared towards the long term. A poison baiting system is used in every area the ants have been sighted.
Long term control is normally achieve with the use of growth regulators, but this can be expensive and may take many weeks to achieve success.
It is important to choose a knowledgeable pest control contractor when dealing with Pharoah Ants. Cheaper alternatives which seem appealing may give disappointing results.
Suspect you might have a pharaoh ant problem? Call us on
01428 714 031